Processing Forum
PShape test; PMatrix3D pm; boolean resetBoth = false; boolean shapeForVerts = true; void setup() { size(400,400,P3D); frameRate(1); ortho(); test = createShape(BOX, 100,100,100); noStroke(); pm = doTx(test); if(shapeForVerts) shape(test); } void mouseClicked() { if(resetBoth) pm.reset(); pm.apply(doTx(test)); if(shapeForVerts) shape(test); } PMatrix3D doTx(PShape in) { if(resetBoth) in.resetMatrix(); PVector tx = new PVector( random(-25,25),random(-25,25),random(-25,25)); PVector rx = new PVector( random(-1,1),random(-1,1),random(-1,1)); PMatrix3D ret = new PMatrix3D(); tx.mult(-1); ret.translate(tx.x, tx.y, tx.z); ret.rotateX(rx.x); ret.rotateY(rx.y); ret.rotateZ(rx.z); tx.mult(-1); ret.translate(tx.x, tx.y, tx.z); in.applyMatrix(ret); return ret; } void draw() { background(204); translate(width*.5, height*.5); // shape(test); hint(DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST); fill(255,0,0); pushMatrix(); applyMatrix(pm); pushStyle(); stroke(0); fill(255); box(100,100,100); popStyle(); for(int a=0; a<8; a++) { pushMatrix(); PVector cur = test.getVertex(a); translate(cur.x, cur.y, cur.z); sphere(10); popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); PVector pv = test.getVertex(0).get(); pm.mult(pv, pv); fill(0,0,255); pushMatrix(); translate(pv.x, pv.y, pv.z); sphere(5); popMatrix(); hint(ENABLE_DEPTH_TEST); }
import processing.opengl.*; PVector[] test; void setup() { size(400,400,OPENGL); colorMode(HSB); noStroke(); test = new PVector[] { new PVector(1955,1754), new PVector(1925,1871), new PVector(2042,2054), new PVector(2000,2250), new PVector(1858,2495), new PVector(1517,2525), new PVector(1262,2432), new PVector(1268,2060), new PVector(1529,2126), new PVector(1676,1856), new PVector(1880,1622)}; pushMatrix(); translate(-300,-430); beginShape(); for(PVector cur : test) { fill(random(255),255,255); cur.mult(.3); vertex(cur.x, cur.y); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); }
PApplet fileCapSendPAppletRef; { import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; fileCapSendPAppletRef = this; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while(frameCount < 1) {} new FileCapSend(); } }).start(); } public class FileCapSend { class SendThread extends Thread { public void run() { for(;;) { if(!run) break; if(cap) { glc.makeCurrent(); gl.glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL.GL_RGBA, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bb); glc.release(); try { fc.write(bb); fc.position(0); } catch(Throwable fex) {fex.printStackTrace();} bb.clear(); cap = false; } else { try { sleep(1); } catch(Throwable ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } } } } PApplet p5; PGraphicsOpenGL pg; GLContext glc; GL gl; ByteBuffer bb; String tmpLoc = "C:\\p5tmp"; FileChannel fc; boolean run = true; boolean registered, cap; SendThread sendThread; FileCapSend() { p5 = fileCapSendPAppletRef; pg = (PGraphicsOpenGL)p5.g; glc = pg.pgl.context; gl =; bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(width*height*4); if(run) beginCap(); } void beginCap() { try { File prev = new File(tmpLoc); if(prev.exists()) prev.delete(); fc = new RandomAccessFile(tmpLoc, "rw").getChannel(); } catch(Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); run = false; return; } sendThread = new SendThread(); sendThread.start(); register(); } void register() { p5.registerPost(this); registered = true; } void endCap() { p5.unregisterPost(this); try { fc.close(); } catch(Throwable ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} } public void post() { if(!run && registered) { endCap(); return; } cap = true; } }fileCapSave.pde
import processing.opengl.PGL; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; int ww = 1280; int hh = 720; String tmpLoc = "C:\\p5tmp"; String saveLoc = sketchPath("test\\"); ByteBuffer bb; FileChannel fc; int ind = -1; PImage pi; void setup() { try { fc = new RandomAccessFile(tmpLoc, "rw").getChannel();, 0, ww*hh*4); bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(ww*hh*4); bb.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch(Throwable ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} pi = createImage(1280,720,RGB); pi.loadPixels(); } void draw() { ind++; try { fc.position(0);; } catch(Throwable ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} regularSave(); bb.clear(); } void regularSave() { bb.rewind(); bb.asIntBuffer().get(pi.pixels); PGL.nativeToJavaRGB(pi.pixels, ww, hh);, 6)+".tga"); } void exit() { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(500); } catch(Throwable ex) {} super.exit(); }
If you try this make sure to click to end the video so the file gets finished properly. I would like to use this to develop a tool that would allow video to be captured from any sketch without adding extra code. I hear there may be a new core video library coming , though. I also had trouble with GSVideo for this purpose.