Imagine that I'm doing a processing Sketch, working with some lines, creating a visual like this :
then i have the idea to video project my Sketch to a real object, lets say a polygon object ( i want only to project over the object and not have a 4:3 image) so I'll do a mask like this :
and then, i will use only the white parts of my mask to reveal the Sketch, and I'll have a video projection like this:
i know how to do this with differents softwares, but how to do it within a processing Sketch?
Can someone ever try to do mapping projections with processing?
Can someone guide me to some code?
i'm trying to re-use and old sketch i used two years ago, but it's seems that's the SQlibrary has changed, "the constructor" is not working the same way that did before, when i try to create an instance:
msql = new MySQL( Hostname+":"+Port, Database, Username, Password, this.parent );
the library tells me that's is undefined.
Can someone help me please?
here is my class:
// --------------------------------------------------------- // class SMSManager // // grabs messages from a database // --------------------------------------------------------- class SMSManager implements Runnable { // Applet parent PApplet parent;
// SQL MySQL msql;
// Thread Thread grabThread; int wait;
// Last Id String lastMessageIdFile="lastSessionMessageId.txt"; int lastMessageId;
msql = new MySQL( Hostname+":"+Port, Database, Username, Password, this.parent ); grabThread = new Thread(this); grabThread.start(); }
void run() { if (Thread.currentThread() == this.grabThread) { while(true) { if ( msql.connect() ) { // ======== SMS ======== String sql = "SELECT * FROM smsin WHERE id > "+this.lastMessageId+" ORDER BY id DESC"; msql.query( sql );
boolean saveId = false; while ( { int id = msql.getInt("id"); if (id != this.lastMessageId) { saveId = true;
i want to make a sketch that calls my webcam and saves an image by clicking the mouse and then put it in a mysql database, i did a simple sketch to take picture by clicking my mouse, but i'm really newbie for database.
I found the SQLibrary to connect my processing to the data base.
Can someone please guide me to which approach i have to take to do this well?
I'm learning some basic steps of MYSQL and i saw that i have to send a BLOB value to the datebase for the images, but how to do it exactly?
do i have to learn php?
do you know some tutorials to do this?
i want to make a processing sketch that opens my "" and the call me, i used "open()" function to do it but i don't how to pass the command lines
Does anyone have tryed this?
void setup() { size(200, 200); }
void draw() { // draw() must be present for mousePressed() to work }
/nosplash - do not display splash screen when Skype starts
/minimized - Skype is minimized to system tray when it starts
/callto:nameornumber - call the specified Skype Name or SkypeOut number
/shutdown - close Skype /secondary - allows you to start an additional skype.exe instance