Hello, I wrote a sketch. Which displays rotating cube which consist of small boxes and these boxes fly away from cube. When number of cubes by one side is 10, everything is ok, if I increase number of cubes all animation begin to freeze.
I`m new in processing and programming at all, so please help me optimize my code.
import processing.opengl.*;
int initFrame = 20;
int boxSize = 60; //
int boxCount = 10; //number of boxes on one axis
int wndW = screen.width; //
int wndH = screen.height; //
Cube[][][] cubes = new Cube[boxCount][boxCount][boxCount]; //инициализируем 3х мерный массив из 100 кубиков
ArrayList freeCubes = new ArrayList(); //list for the cubes which can be moved
boolean freeXp, freeYp, freeZp; //свободна ли ось в сторону положительных значений
boolean freeXn, freeYn, freeZn; //свободна ли ось в сторону отрицательных значений
boolean inList;
boolean mov; //кубик или движется или нет
//цвет кубика
int r=round(random(0,255));
int g=round(random(0,255));
int b=round(random(0,255));
Cube(int x, int y, int z, int nx, int ny, int nz, int boxSize, boolean mov, boolean freeXp, boolean freeXn, boolean freeYp, boolean freeYn, boolean freeZp, boolean freeZn, boolean inList)
//Задаем начальные координаты кубика исходя из его положения
this.x = nx*boxSize;
this.y = ny*boxSize;
this.z = nz*boxSize;
this.mov = mov;
this.freeXn = freeXn;
this.freeYn = freeYn;
this.freeZn = freeZn;
this.freeXp = freeXp;
this.freeYp = freeYp;
this.freeZp = freeZp;
this.nx = nx;
this.ny = ny;
this.nz = nz;
this.inList = inList;
this.boxSize = boxSize;
void drawCube()
if (mov == true) {
if (freeXn == true) { setXMov(1); } else if ( freeXp == true ) { setXMov(-1); }
else if (freeYn == true) { setYMov(1); } else if ( freeYp == true ) { setYMov(-1); }
else if (freeZn == true) { setZMov(1); } else if ( freeZp == true ) { setZMov(-1); }
I wrote a sketch which draw a box consist of boxes, here is my code (do not pay attention to comments in russian)
import processing.opengl.*;
int boxSize = 40; //размер кубика
int boxCount = 10; //Кол-во кубиков на сторону
int[] k = {0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; //хитрые коэф для ебаного транслэйта
int wndW = 800; //Ширина окошка
int wndH = 800; //Высота окошка
void setup()
size(wndW, wndH,OPENGL);
// noStroke();
void draw()
translate (wndW/2-boxSize*boxCount/2,wndH/2-boxSize*boxCount/2,0); //Центруе кубик в окне
for (int x=0;x<boxCount;x=x+1)
for (int y=0;y<boxCount;y=y+1)
Next I want animate random box in this big box, for example it will fly away in any direction. I can`t imagine how I can do so only with translate function, is there any way how I can draw boxes setting it coordinates like a 2D rectangle? I really stuck.