Processing Forum
ralphzoontjens's Profile
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    Hi all,

    For a current project I would like to generate text, extrude this to make it 3d and connect it to a flat surface of an object, say, a box. Generating the text and extruding it should not be the problem, but I am wondering how hard it is to then merge this extrusion with another object. In most CAD programs you can do a boolean union operation, but I read that this is hard to do in Processing. Or is there a solution for this by now?

    Another thought I had is to use the 2d outline of the text to cut a hole in the object, remove the rear faces of the extruded text, and then 'stitch' together the resulting meshes into 1 mesh. Is this possible at all?

    I would then like to export it to an stl/obj file so I can 3d print it.

    Any ideas or tips are very much appreciated as I don't have any experience yet with 3d forms in Processing.

