Hi I've been working on this sketch where the elements of the pattern change size based on the brightness of the video input. I want to change it so the pattern changes based on movement of the video input. So that I don't have to rely as much on lighting etc for the sketch to work properly.
Any help or pointers would be great.
import processing.video.*;
final int VIDEO_WIDTH = 800;
final int VIDEO_HEIGHT = 600;
Capture video;
int w = 20;
Spot[][] sp;
color[] c = new color[36];
int cols = VIDEO_WIDTH / w;
int rows = VIDEO_HEIGHT / w;
void setup() {
c[0] = color(#f4b264);
c[1] = color(#bee5e4);
c[2] = color(#fe022b);
c[3] = color(#082f56);
c[4] = color(#f8f3d6);
c[5] = color(#fceea7);
c[6] = color(#ff7101);
c[7] = color(#f1d7ca);
c[8] = color(#ffafc3);
c[9] = color(#abe6e2);
c[10] = color(#e2e8ce);
c[11] = color(#ffcb00);
c[12] = color(#aae354);
c[13] = color(#ddb0b7);
c[14] = color(#d2e6b5);
c[15] = color(#77a3be);
c[16] = color(#005c9d);
c[17] = color(#bb3325);
c[18] = color(#fdd4e2);
c[19] = color(#0dbbde);
c[20] = color(#643324);
c[21] = color(#99e1d3);
c[22] = color(#ff92a9);
c[23] = color(#a7bbba);
c[24] = color(#d0e099);
c[25] = color(#00b14b);
c[26] = color(#0376b9);
c[27] = color(#fedf2d);
c[28] = color(#fbd362);
c[29] = color(#fe5900);
c[30] = color(#4fb900);
c[31] = color(#fdd4e2);
c[32] = color(#ddb0b7);
c[33] = color(#a9998a);
c[34] = color(#77a3be);
c[35] = color(#bdb0b7);
sp = new Spot[cols][rows];
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
sp[i][j] = new Spot(i * w + (w/2), j * w + (w/2), w, c[int(random(0, 35))]);