I am using Version 2.1.1 of Shape3d, and was intrigued to see the new extrusion capabilities, as this is just what I need at this point in time.
The extrusion paths however result in a weird curve, that I want to demonstrate with altering the knots vector from the original example. (My real curve is more complex, but for demonstrations sake, I choose a path of equidistant points along a straight line:
PVector[] knots = new PVector[] {
new PVector(240,0,50),
new PVector(240,0,100),
new PVector(240,0,150),
new PVector(240,0,200),
new PVector(240,0,250),
new PVector(240,0,300)
Now, as opposed to a linear shaped extrusion, I receive an object that is bent and looks like a pipe or alphorn.
I suspect it might have something to do with the orientation of the first and last point of the Bezierspline?
I am certainly thankful for help on this one.
Thank you
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