It works when i export for web but only on desktop browser. When i try to read my application on mobile device (iphone/ipad, on safari/chrome) all font are broken and it's a default font which take place.
I'm trying to create a simple library in order to remove some Tab of my Processing IDE and because i dont need to edit this classes. I work with processing 2+.
I tried to "Sketch > Add file" after doing my .jar, but it don't work, i get the normal error message meaning that it can't find the needed library
I tried to make library manually with the good folder architecture, and with the "package ExcelReader" at the top of each java script:
- Sketch
- libraries
- ExcelReader
- ExcelReader.jar
- src
but i get the same error than before, it dont find the library and tell that i must place it in a folder named libraries.
And finally, i tried with the Eclipse way, i get a Successfull Compillation but when i place my ExcelReader lib in libraries folder and write "import ExcelReader;", i get a new error:
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 at java.lang.String.substring( at at at at at at$ at
I cant get it, i dont understand why this own library cant get work. If i try to put controlP5 at the same place, it work, so i wonder if my library is correct. So where could come from the problem?! Any idea?
I'm working on a container-system for handle all my need for data-visualisation programming with an application skin.
My problem is that this fu****g application must be exported on iPad and all my container-system is off because of object.getClass() dont working on processing.js
Is there a way to get around this problem? :D, i've also put a drawing-optimisation-system on this container-system and both are down now ...
I need this getClass to differentiate simple objet than container in order to draw all contained-object. Without this, i'll consider all objet as container and loosing some efficient
Locally when i run it (java) there are no problems and the application keep a good frame rate.
But when i run it on web (javascript) there is a lack of performance and my fps is divide by 2 or 3.
I cant post all my code, because there are a lot of class but i can say what massive operation i do.
- I must parse excel file (3000 cells and more)
- And use data to make barChart, curve and other data-representation
- For excel parsing and object stockage i use a lot of ArrayList<Type>
- I also use some hashMap to access certain object
- We use different image (one take all the sketch as a background), some with alpha, to make button or other interface
- I find how suspend draw when all animations are done but if there is a little changement somewhere i must redraw
all the scketch, so it's a little bit useless because it's when there are animation that we can see lag.
When i use "profiles" of google chrome and do a "heap snapshot", it seem's that (array) take 46% of shallow size.
Do i must use array instead of arrayList?
What operations are really expensive (in memory)?
Is there some golden rules to respect in order to keep a good fps?
Is processing.js the best solution for parsing excel file, drawing object with this excel-data, drawing 10-15 images and make an application-like sketch (with all input detection that we must do for it).
problem is that i cant use external library, so i must do gui, excel reader and container-system myself..
Someone can highlight me? I've a dead-line in 3weeks and we cant re-do all with an other technologie ( i think <canvas> is really better for mobile device)
We work on a iPad project with processing and our problem is that "addMouseListener" make an error when processing.js try to convert for web.
What we must use to properly handle mouse event?
For moment, we look each button when a click is fired in order to know over which button is the cursor. It's not a good idea but we dont find anything else :s
We work with guicomponant library, a great library, but we have a little probleme.
String[] files; files = new String[] { "data/tjoff.jpg", "data/tjover.jpg", "data/tjdown.jpg" }; btnCoins = new GImageButton(this, "data/tjmask.png", files, 150,10);
and the event handler
public void handleImageButtonEvents(GImageButton imagebutton) { if (imagebutton == btnCoins){ println("Coins - png images using transparency"); } }
My question is, how can we have a pressed state? For moment there are three event, ROLL_OVER, ROLL_OUT and CLICKED but after a clic, the GImageButton return on it's basic image. We need to change the image of just pressed button up to an other was pressed ...
I'm french i dont know if i give good explanation. If you need some precision, tell me!
My question is, how can i move the both shape (visible and invisible)? When i try to move shapes, the get(x,y) method to get pixel color is done from 0,0 (where the invisible image is loaded with loadImage() ).
For moment i'm forced to work on fullscreen image with all button and color associated. And i would prefer small and different image for each button interface.