Processing Forum
int SIZE = 400; int middleX, middleY; int sideNb = 2; boolean bGrowing = true; int MAX_SIDE_NB = 32; int lastTime; int DISPLAY_TIME = 1000; // One second per polygon void setup() { size(820, 820); smooth(); textFont(createFont("Arial", 18)); middleX = width / 2; middleY = height / 2; } void draw() { if (millis() - lastTime > DISPLAY_TIME) { lastTime = millis(); if (bGrowing) { sideNb++; if (sideNb == MAX_SIDE_NB) { bGrowing = false; } } else { sideNb--; if (sideNb == 3) { bGrowing = true; } } } else { return; } background(255); stroke(#8855CC); fill(#552288); text(sideNb, 10, 30); float angleStart = -PI / 2; float angleStep = TWO_PI / sideNb; float a = angleStart; float px = middleX; float py = middleY - SIZE; float[][] corners = new float[sideNb+1][2]; for (int i = 0; i <= sideNb; a += angleStep, i++) { float x = middleX + SIZE * cos(a); float y = middleY + SIZE * sin(a); line(px, py, x, y); px = x; py = y; corners[i][0] = x; corners[i][1] = y; } for (int i = 0; i < sideNb; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < sideNb; j++) // Thanks, kooogy! { line(corners[i][0], corners[i][1], corners[j][0], corners[j][1]); } } }
statement or an import*;
one, it belongs to the Core Libraries section, unless it also uses a different import as below.import*;
or import controlP5.*;
or similar, it belongs to the Contributes Libraries section.libraries
folder of your sketchbook (see
How to Install a Contributed Library) or in the
folder of your sketch (eg. by drag'n'dropping a jar on the PDE), post here.