I'm having a really weird problem while trying to render triangles with openGL and processing, I don't know if its an issue of openGL or not but I've tried in both windows and mac with the same results.
I'm trying to render a triangle with the following vertices
The weird thing is that if I change the second vertex to 0.85065
1,0.0,-0.525731. It works.
I really don't know what is going on so if someone has any clue please help me.
Here is the actual processing code of the scene for you to play around:
beginShape(); vertex(0.850651,0.0,0.525731); vertex(0.850652,0.0,-0.525731); //Try changing the 2 for a 1 vertex(0.525731,0.850651,0.0); endShape(CLOSE);
popMatrix(); time += 0.05; }
EDIT: I'm actually rendering a lot of triangles but this one wasn't showing so I looked for the vertices and it didn't showed up alone either.