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pegleg100's Profile
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    I have loaded a table, and table updates with a new top score when I play the game, but it wont save.

    Below is my for the top score code:

    Table scoretable;
    void setup() {

     scoretable = loadTable("topscore2.csv", "header");


    void draw() {

          scoretable.setInt(0, "score", gamescore);}
     saveTable(scoretable, "topscore2.csv");

    Any ideas how I get the table to save so that when I close the app and re-open it, the top score is saved?

    I'm using android app



    I'm doing a beginner course on processing at the moment, and I cant for the life of me get the for loop to do what I want it to do!

    I'm building a simple game where boxes drop from the top the screen, and when they hit objects at the bottom, a sound is played.. sounds simple.. but I'm start at step 1

    I can get the boxed to drop using an Array, but I'm having to write a line of code to specify each array, every time I try a for loop, it doesn't work

    Can anyone show me how to convert the repetitive code into a loop correctly?

    When a box reaches 70 px, then next box is draw... I just want them to fall continuously (a bit like Tetris)


    here is my code that work so far:

    PImage bg;
    int [] rectY;

    void setup() {
      size(720, 1280);

      // The background image must be the same size as the parameters
      // into the size() method. In this program, the size of the image
      // is 720 x 1280 pixels.
      bg = loadImage("LED2.jpg");
     rectY = new int [20];


    void draw() {
        rect(30, rectY[0],55, 55);
          rect(30, rectY[1],55, 55);
          rect(30, rectY[2],55, 55);
          rect(30, rectY[3],55, 55);
