Im developing a photoboot with chromakey i have the chroma part working good with loaded images but now i want to implement an external camera. I want to get good quality photos so i think that i have to use a dslr camera but i dont find any library or sdk that let me do that.
Its there any way processing can comunicate with a dslr camera to get photos instead using a webcam ??
I have a point cloud stored as a ArrayList of vectors (Vec2D). I want to make a triangulation, but the points are too near.
How can i get all the points that have a separation of N pixels beetween them, so i get a simplified version of the first arraylist to do a triangulation
Im rendering a pointcloud coming from simpleopenni library. I create an arraylist of points using toxi Vec3D
And to render the arraylist, i create a GLModel
points = new GLModel(this, maxPuntos, POINTS, GLModel.STREAM);
I want to know how can i improve my render settings to get a better output (now seeems like pixelated and make a extrange effect like "moire").
But when i render the model, it looks like hard edges arround points.
For example i tried to set an smooth to render the points, but i dont see any difference
My goal is to get something like the house of cards pointcloud or at least i want to recognize myself in the pointcloud.
I know that this is generic cuestion, but i have spend a week trying to understand how can i improve that....but i dont find a way. Where can i find docs about that??? And i would be very happy if someone says me what im doing wrong.