I've been using menus successfully without much trouble, but I'm now finding it impossible to set up an ActionBar. The supposed solution, ActionBarSherlock does not support a .jar import and although I suppose it would be possible to use it through Eclipse, I really loathe Eclipse and would like to find a solution in the Processing IDE. The Google documentation of its compatibility library and samples are abysmal. I've been unable to get my SDK Manager to even download the samples. The strategy I was attempting as to explore reflection and invoke methods that trigger the ActionBar that way, but it seems like a major headache. I know that in theory Processing isn't suppose acknowledge the need for integrating a UI, but honestly, the development environment is tantalizingly close to being usable until you run into things like this that assume you are using Eclipse. Arrgh!
I'm trying to figure out if I can use Processing for a project that will control devices across RS-485 cabling. Does anyone know if there's a way to access RS-485 ports as you would serial lines?
I'm using Processing with P3D and Android to render .obj models. I've gotten texture mapping to work, but I'm trying to get strokes to show on the various faces.
PShape3D.java has been in constant flux. Can someone point me to the version that was included in the 1.5.1 release?
The PShape3D version in question includes a setStrokeWeight(float) function, which has been changed to strokeWeight(float) in more recent versions, I have discovered, but I'm trying to figure out if it has any function for setting stroke color.
I've found examples, notably this
example in which people say they are getting access to resources in Android/Processing apps. Are all these examples
using Eclipse, or is there some way to induce the build process to incorporate assets? Like
butterbr0 I would like to put icons in menus, but I've used Eclipse and I really hate it. Would love to at least find some documentation about how to control the build process that's triggered when you invoke 'Export Android Project'.