I'm having problems trying to translate an OpenFrameworks example to Processing, here is the original OF code (it is a basic arcball example)
And here is my translation using toxiclibs Quaternion class:
When I click and drag to rotate weird stuff happens, any ideas how to fix this?
Given the following image I would like to know how to make a texture for a couple of Quads form the squares A and B, I know their coordinates and sizes, any ideas?
EDIT: I think this will give a better explanation of my question, I need to grab the pixels form a square and make a texture out of it
I have an always changing 2D mesh that needs to be clear and recalculated on every frame, so far I got that bit working fine, but at the moment there are lots of duplicate vertices, so if I need to pump up the number of vertices the framerate obviously drops. To make this work more efficiently I need to get rid off the duplicate vertices some how, no idea how to do that …
I google around and found this post, http://www.devmaster.net/forums/showthread.php?t=8066 were they mention hash tables, so I wonder if any of you has implement this data structure in P5 or Java, or event better can GLGraphics or GLModel clean duplicate vertices some how?
Any help will be much appreciated!
- rS
Has anyone have any experience on drawing a TriangleMesh from Volumeutils using the GLGprahics GLModel class? I am interested in doing some 3D printing stuff so I wonder if I can gain a bit of performance by mixing this 2 libs
Any info on the subject will be much appreciated!
- rS