I want to create some pics (.tiff , .jpg) using big scales (1600 x 900 pixels) but when my picture is done, I notice that the quality of the picture is no the best. How can I increase the ppi or the render quality in my final picture?
I few weeks ago I wanted to install the new version of quicktime in my computer (macbook pro). I could not and I deleted some files from the library forlders (from the computer) but I dont remember which folders :-( (my big mistake). I instaled the version X of quicktime and the new version, but the new version doesnt work. But the big problem is that I can not use any video library of processing, inclusive I can not use the web cam. When I want to use it, appear this bug:
I am in a problem. I want to make an animation very slow, something like 60 frames per second. To make the animation I need to save every frame a point cloud, like an .obj file or .ply file, that is not problem, the problem is how can I change the framerate to have 60 .obj point clouds per second.. I tried with the frameRate () but doesnt work.
I started using toxiclibs, but I have problems when I want to use the examples from the Volumeutils (voxelizeMesh,VolumetricCup,noiseSurface,etc) when I want to start with this examples , processing told me:
"The method meshNormalMapped (Mesh3D,boolean,float) in the type Toxiclibssupport is not applicable for the arguments(WETriangleMesh,boolean,int)"
I want to create a "random montage" whit the keyboard. I have a problem, how can I return a random of my movie array whn I press 'f' key? this is the code:
import processing.video.*;
int maxmyMovies = 4; // Total # of movies
int myMoviesIndex = 1; // Initial movie to be displayed is the first
Movie[] myMovies = new Movie[maxmyMovies]; //array of movies
void setup() {
// Loading the movies into the array
// Don't forget to put the .mov files in the data folder!
for (int i = 1; i < myMovies.length; i ++ ) {
myMovies[i] = new Movie(this, "tester " + i + ".mov");
I have downloaded toclips-complete0020 to use decode library. I followed the steps for the instalation but processing said me : "Can not find a class or type named TraingleMesh.vertex" Anyone knows what is it?
I am looking for people (programmers, designers, creative) who have interest to work on projects for interactive advertising.
I have developed several ideas that I think may have potential in the world of advertising and design.But I need people who like participating in them (as partners). In the future (if all goes well) I would like to make a company dedicated to this. I live in Berlin-Germany and here this area is very interesant.
People who are interested to participate in these projects must have extensive knowledge of processing, or any other programming language. My level of knowledge about Processing is intermediate. That's why I need help from other people.
If anyone is interested (no need to live in Berlin, but I think if in Europe is better but we could stay in contact with internet) contact me via mail: