new to developping in Processing. Coming from full procedural environments, not quite used to OOP. Aaaaanyway.
I get an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2 when interpreting this piece of code (sorry it's 91 lines long). The error occurs on line 57 as soon as I try to assign a value to a cell of the array:
// Declaring letter points matrix array
float[][][] let_mtrx = new float[2][2][1];
// General text angle
float ngl = 33.333;
// Letter dimensions
float let_w = 64;
float let_h = 96;
// Finding the angles of the letter's diagonals afer ngl, let_w and let_h
float let_ngl_1 = (atan(let_h/let_w))+ngl;
float let_ngl_2 = (PI-let_ngl_1)+ngl;
float let_ngl_3 = (PI+let_ngl_1)+ngl;
float let_ngl_4 = (PI*2-let_ngl_1)+ngl;
// Finding the angles of the letter's orthogonals afer ngl
float let_ngl_ortho_1 = ngl;
float let_ngl_ortho_2 = ngl+PI/2;
float let_ngl_ortho_3 = ngl+PI;
float let_ngl_ortho_4 = ngl+PI*1.5;
// Finding the different lengths from center (horizontal, vertical and diagonal)
float len_diag = (sqrt(sq(let_w)+sq(let_h)))/2;
float len_w = let_w/2;
float len_h = let_h/2;
void setup() {
size(displayWidth/2, displayHeight/2);
stroke(255, 255, 255);
void draw() {
findPoints(100, 100, let_w, let_h);
point(let_mtrx[0][0][0], let_mtrx[0][0][1]);
point(let_mtrx[1][0][0], let_mtrx[1][0][1]);
point(let_mtrx[2][0][0], let_mtrx[2][0][1]);
point(let_mtrx[0][1][0], let_mtrx[0][1][1]);
point(let_mtrx[1][1][0], let_mtrx[1][1][1]);
point(let_mtrx[2][1][0], let_mtrx[2][1][1]);
point(let_mtrx[0][2][0], let_mtrx[0][2][1]);
point(let_mtrx[1][2][0], let_mtrx[1][2][1]);
point(let_mtrx[2][2][0], let_mtrx[2][2][1]);
// There are 9 points in the matrix
// Each has two coords (X and Y)
// The last dimension in the let_mtrx array designates coord X or Y for the specific point
// For instance, the X of point 9 would be let_mtrx[2][2][0], the Y let_mtrx[2][2][1]
// let_mtrx[0][0] is the top-left point, let_mtrx[2][2] is the bottom-right