I'm making a twitter script but I need it to randomly select a string and search it. The problem is that the search is in the setup. Is there a way to make the setup update? so that the search reloads a different keyword. I've attached my script. The important stuff is in the feeder creator.
I've tried placing the feeder into an void update(), but the i can't get at the information in the draw().
import net.obxlabs.romefeeder.*; //romefeeder
import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.*; //ROME
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
TwitterFeeder feeder; // the feeder
boolean loaded = false; // flag that indicates if the search is loaded
int feedRate = 7*1000; // rate for displaying posts (in miliseconds)
int feedLast = 0; // time of the last displayed post
SyndEntry entry; // feed entry
TwitterFeeder feeder2; // the feeder
SyndEntry entry2; // feed entry
PFont font; // the font
static final int WORD_FONTSIZE = 128; //self size
static final int TEXT_FONTSIZE = 24; //rest of text size
static final int TEXT_WIDTH = 400; //text width (in characters)
int chooser;
String textmark;
String a ;
//search query
String QUERY = "protestors";
String QUERY2 = "Gadhafi";
String topString = ""; //string of text that appears before 'self' in the tweet
String bottomString = ""; //string of text that appears after 'self' in the tweet
I've been able to do simple things like GetTitle() or GetLinks(), but I'm looking to get the location which is under
<twitter:place_type> in the twitter API. I think its just a matter of telling processing to draw from a specific xml element. Is this something that needs to be done in prohtml?
I can't figure out why this won't align my text from the center of the ellipse out at a 45 degree angle. I think its a problem with me setting up the axis at the center of the circle.
I been working on a script that takes an rss feed's links and and searches through the data on those link pages. but because prohtml's htmlList.printElements(); returns a void instead of a string. Is there a way to convert this to a string so I can use an if() to find keywords? Or is there a better way to search through the data? I've included my code.
import prohtml.*;
import net.obxlabs.romefeeder.*; //romefeeder
import com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.*; //ROME
Feeder feeder; // the feeder
int feedRate = 2*200; // rate for displaying posts (in miliseconds)
int feedLast = 0; // time of the last displayed post
SyndEntry entry; // feed entry
HtmlList htmlList;//list for news feed
void setup() {
size(600, 200);
//create and set the font
PFont font = createFont("bluehigh.ttf", 12, true);
I've been picking apart this code and don't quite understand how the arrays work in terms of connecting the lines. Can someone explain? How does processing understand that e[k][0] is a neighboring circle.
I'm new to processing so this may be a super simple question; I'm trying to understand classes, but i can't seem to get them to work in the most simple sense. Can someone explain what i'm not doing in order to activate the class? The final result should just be a box rotating in 3d space, which i had working without using classes.