short question: is it possible to use the ControlP5 library AND GLGraphics at the same time? i am trying to do that, programm compiles, but gives an exception:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Too many calls to pushMatrix(). at processing.core.PGraphics3D.pushMatrix(Unknown Source) at codeanticode.glgraphics.GLGraphics.pushMatrix( at processing.core.PApplet.pushMatrix(Unknown Source) at controlP5.ControllerGroup.draw(Unknown Source) at controlP5.ControlWindow.draw(Unknown Source) at...
I implemented a deeper matrix stack, but this gives me another exception:
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: processing.core.PImage.getCache(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; at codeanticode.glgraphics.GLGraphics.renderTriangles( at processing.core.PGraphics3D.render(Unknown Source) at processing.core.PGraphics3D.flush(Unknown Source) at processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.endDraw(Unknown Source) at codeanticode.glgraphics.GLGraphics.endDraw( at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(Unknown Source) at ...
i am currently trying to playback a 560x420 video in opengl with the help of gsvideo. my testvideo is in the quicktime container encoded as a photo-jpeg with 75%. i am using the example sketch that came with gsvideo.
playing the video back in p2d is absolutely no problem with almost no cpu consumption. as soon as i switch to opengl/glgraphics, the performance decreases up to the point, where the video starts stuttering.
is there any special trick or hint to get a similar performance to a 2d renderer? i remember that there was something with rendering to a gltexture instead of a pimage, but does this help?
system specs:
- i7 with 2.8 ghz
- nvidia gtx 470
- 64bit win 7, but with 32bit java
- newest processing, 1.2.1 and newest gsvideo 0.7
this has been posted long time ago, but problem still exists. when loading pimages via requestimage, the memory is not freed even after nulling all references to the returned image and running the garbage collector. as i need to access a whole bunch of many different images throughout the whole runtime and i do not want to switch to 64 bit, memory usage is crucial.
anyone got an idea, why the memory is not freed? there must be still a reference to the image internally, where could this be?