I was doing some research on collective intelligence and I wanted to do some experimenting on my own. The way I wanted to experiment was to have a jar of jelly and ask people to guess how many they thought were in the jar. According to what I've read, most guesses will be off the mark, but the average of all the guesses should be pretty close to the actual number. I took some surveys of my family and friends on paper and got some surprising results, but I want to scale this up.
I was thinking I could make a program ,upload it to OpenProcessing.org , and have it simulate a jar of jelly beans and ask the users how many there are and then store that value, the number of beans will be constant for obv. reasons; this is the easy part. I then want that program to somehow send that guess to my email, or put it up on a twitter account or anywhere where I can access it without letting the other guessers see.
So my question is, how can I do this? Whats the most user-friendly/effective library I can use to get this done?
I wrote 10 lines of code to see what Perlin noise is all about, got a pretty cool result but I don't really understand why this code is taking SO MUCH memory! after about 2 minutes of running it just freezes!
Here's my code:
float culr;
float moveZ;
void setup() {
void draw(){
for(int x = 0; x < width; x = x + 25) {
for(int y = 0; y < height; y = y + 25) {
culr = noise(x/100,y/100,moveZ)*360;
I plan to use Perlin Noise for my artwork in the future but i don't think my computer can handle it if its so heavy, am i doing something wrong? is there a clever way around this?
Any help is much appreciated,
thanking you in advance,