Hi all, first time posting here and relatively new to Processing.
So I'm attempting to create a project in which I have a 3D sphere, and the texture of the sphere changes whenever a key is pressed. The sphere is able to be fully rotated. I know to make some sort of array in order to store the images, yet I do not know how to fully execute the change in textures. Would anyone be able to help me out on this? My code is based on this example:
Here's what I have so far in terms of code:
//Image Array
Photo[] photoarray;
photoarray[0] = loadImage("0.jpg");
photoarray[1] = loadImage("1.jpg");
photoarray[2] = loadImage("2.jpg");
photoarray[3] = loadImage("3.jpg");
photoarray[4] = loadImage("4.jpg");
photoarray[5] = loadImage("5.jpg";
photoarray[6] = loadImage("6.jpg");
photoarray[7] = loadImage("7.jpg");
photoarray[8] = loadImage("8.jpg");
photoarray[9] = loadImage("9.jpg");
// Sphere Variables
float R = 250;
int xDetail = 40;
int yDetail = 30;
float[] xGrid = new float[xDetail+1];
float[] yGrid = new float[yDetail+1];
float[][][] allPoints = new float[xDetail+1][yDetail+1][3];