Processing Forum
mennoes's Profile
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    Hello guys,
    I am trying to build a sketch where a webcam can be triggered on by using the audio: If the webcam records a audio volume of 'x' the webcam turns on. When it reaches this level again it will go off. 
    I've already made such a sketch in Max MSP but I want to figure out how to make it in Processing, never worked with the program before so I am a complete stranger.

    The code i've found was one which turned a webcam off after a mouseclick;
    1. import processing.video.*; 
    2. Capture cam; 
    4. void setup() { 
    5.   size(640, 480); 
    6.   cam = new Capture(this);
    7.   cam.start(); 
    9. void draw() { 
    10.   if (cam.available()) { 
    11.     // Reads the new frame
    12.     cam.read(); 
    13.   } 
    14.   image(cam, 0, 0); 

    15. void mousePressed() {
    16.   cam.stop();
    17. }