I really need your help because my keyboard and my serial port connection is crashing mostly after around 20 - 30 minutes.
Iam actually working on a interactive sound light isntallation which shall detects movements/ the triggering of certain areas in a 3d space
and put surround sound out over Max MSP (OSC Connection).
Max MSP controlls the speaker system and pushes over a usb-r232 cable information to light interface.
- on Mac 10.68
- I use Processing 2.07b with a kinnect kamera
- Max MSP 6
- usb to r232 interface / serial connection.
mostly after half an hour,
- the keyboard of the macbook is not working anymore
- also the USB-R232 stops working.
Mainly the disfunction of the USB-R232 is my problem,
because then the installation doesn't work !!!
but I guess both are serial interfaces, so there is ONE common REASON for the problem.
I can ensure to about almost 95 % that the errors come from processing ...
Do someone know the problem, a solution?
In the attachement a small patch is sent. SO please have a view on it :-)
Would make me happy. Thanks
//überall, wo import davorsteht werden libraries importiert. Diese müsst ihr euch herunterladen und installieren import processing.opengl.*; import SimpleOpenNI.*; import ddf.minim.*; a import oscP5.*; import netP5.*;
// start oscP5, telling it to listen for incoming messages at port 5001 */ oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 5001); // set the remote location to be the localhost on port 5001 myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("", 5002);
textFile = loadStrings("pos.txt"); hotpoints = new Hotpoint[textFile.length-2]; for (int i=2; i < textFile.length; i++) { hotpointInfo = split(textFile[i], ','); currentHotpoint = new Hotpoint(int(hotpointInfo[0]), int(hotpointInfo[1]), int(hotpointInfo[2]), int(hotpointInfo[3]),i-2); hotpoints[i-2] = currentHotpoint; } }
class Hotpoint { PVector center; color fillColor; color strokeColor; int size; int pointsIncluded; int lastPointsIncluded; int maxPoints; boolean wasJustHit; int threshold; int id;
Hotpoint(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, int boxSize, int boxId) { center = new PVector(centerX, centerY, centerZ); size = boxSize; pointsIncluded = 0; lastPointsIncluded = 0; maxPoints = 1000; threshold = 0; id=boxId;