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    I am developing a project in Processing and I have now stumbled across this problem that is melting my brain. Whenever I try to set a PGraphics to fully transparent it fails:

    PGgraphics with smoth() and calling background(0, 0):
    It does clear the buffer, however transparent and semi-transparent pixels are draw instead using the colour used in the background function, in this case black. In my case, the white text is being drawn with a black outline around.

    Following this topic  https://forum.processing.org/topic/2-0xx-how-to-set-p2d-p3d-pgraphics-pixels-to-transparent-via-the-pixel-array I kind of managed to clear reset a PGraphics to transparent using noSmooth(). However as far as I understood this workaround was no need anymore as the bug was fixed.

    I would be glad if anyone could shed some light on this topic. My current config are:

    MacBook with OSX 10.8.4
    Intel HD Graphics 4000
    and Processing 2.0.1 using P3D mode.

    Hey folks,

    I have just moved to Göteborg, Sweden and I was wondering if someone here would know about a Processing/Creative coding meetups happening around here. I have tried searching around the net and forums without any success so far. Any help is appreciated.

    Fingster is a digital version of the popular Twister® game. Instead of using theirs bodies, players are challenged to reach the different tiles on a screen with theirs fingers. The application portrayed on the video is just a proof of concept spiked in less than 24h, that surprisingly, ended up being really fun to play with.

    The proof of concept was built with Processing.js +  UIWebView.

    Another recent unusual piece built with Processing:

    Zombie Attack is a live action sound based game where the player has to endure consecutive rounds of attacks by an ever growing horde of zombies. The whole game engine was built with Processing, including realtime binaural sound generation. That means, the zombie sounds are mapped to the left and right channel according to the zombie's distance and angle in relation to the player.

    A PS Move was used a base for the shotgun. The data was transferred to Processing via OSC using Kaliber, an open source application developed by Adam Henriksson and Jules Fennis.


    Design, magic and electronics joined together to create an unusual interactive piece. Special thanks to Lynn Bui and Clayton Cook for helping me to setup the piece and record the footage. Music by @insidious_dub.

    The whole piece, code and hardware, was built in 3 days. A Processing sketch was used to control the table behavior.

    Hello folks,

    I am trying to do some masking using OpenGL and although I can set the stencil, it appears the stencil test is always returning true. Digging around the internet, I found a tip pointing that one must request stencil bits to the canvas in order to make stencil tests work properly. Something in the lines of:

    GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities();

    and the assign this to the a GLCanvas. Does anyone have any experience using Stencil and capabilities with processing standart OpenGL, I mean without libraries like GLgraphics? I would really appreciate any help on how to get this working with either Processing 1.5 or 2.0.

    Hello folks,

    I would like to share with you something I have been working in the last couple of days, or nights. Basically it is a library that allows you to quick sketch UI like interactions in Processing. There is also a Tweener library built in with support to callbacks and blocking events.

    I have just put this together this weekend and it is far from being bug free. With that said, I would love to hear your feedback on possible features and if you see yourself using something like this. So far, this is what is included in the package:

    Generate graphics based on blueprints that can be reutilized;
    tween fields with support to callbacks and blocking the UI (optional);
    Adding parts and subparts. All the transformations are handled by the library.
    Changing the pivot point of any part at runtime;
    Change properties like x, y, alpha, width, scale... etc.
    'Relative to' point. This is trick to explain, but it basically attaching the pivot point of a child to a point in the parent.
    Support to mouse events, including mouse wheel.
    Support to Part events (on clicked, on pressed, etc) with support to arbitrary shapes (non square stuff).

    There is an example included with some comments on it. If you would like to contribute, feel free to drop me a line.

    Hej folks,

    I'm interested to know if anyone has managed to have the Mini-3 controlled through processing. I manage to build simple library using RXTX but it is very unstable. In fact, I tried downloading the official driver for mac, which only allow some basic functions, and it was also very unstable on my Mac. Talking with a friend, he said he also did not got lucky running the Mini-3 on his mac, however, it worked very well on a window machine.

    Apart from that, I'm curious to know if any of you already managed to use a baudrate of 1Mb with RXTX on Mac. I keep getting a unrecognized baudrate, and I ended up using 921600 instead.

    The code is quite big to be Copy&Pasted here on the forum, so I hosted a zipped version of the Sketch for the ones interested HERE. Also, a video demo is available at Vimeo.

    I tried to clean up the code for this release and comment whenever possible. I left the KinectManager and EncoderManager Classes out of this release because I did not have time to review and clean their code. However, I will include them in the next version. That means, in this release, you can only interact using the mouse.

    For quick and dirty configuration, check 'Settings.pde'. To customize the way the pictures are displayed, check the PolaroidRender Class or create your own Class implementing AvatarRender. To load pictures from a database you need to uncomment certains parts of the code (they are highlighted) and also install Florian Jenett's SQLibrary.

    This release mainly contains:
    - Displaying a Carrousel List of Picture loaded from a DB, or fake DB (see fakeDB function);
    - Scrolling and Kinetic Scrolling;
    - Zooming with/without re-spreading the pictures;
    - Select a picture to see its details on the backside;
    - Pause the Carrousel when user interaction is detected.

    Known Issues:
    - If APP_ANIMATED_SPRITE is set to true, the Sketch will freeze 1 or 2 times during a few milliseconds once the application is started. I'm not sure, but I believe that is related to the picture caching.
    - MouseManager does not work well in the browser, crashes most the time.

    Critics and suggestions are welcome. I hope this can be of use to someone, an if it is, I would be glad to know. If some part of my 'designer' code is not clear, I'll be happy to explain :)

    Miguel Peres

    This a on on-going interactive installation I'm working on. The concept is to have a pane where the students of the Umeå Institute Design can get to know more about each other.

    The first part of the project took one weekend to complete. The pictures, or short movies, are loaded dynamically from a database and transformed into polaroids in realtime through Processing.

    I've built a custom gesture layer on top of OpenNI to allow people to interact with the installation using Kinect. I'm also looking forward to investigate other possibilities, like encoders, joysticks, etc.

    The next step is to add Twitter integration and allow the students to take pictures or record movies on location. I will release the code as soon as it is done. I will also take some time to produce a better video :)

    This Sketch use  the libraries SQLibray created by Florian Jenett and SimpleOpenNI by Max Rheiner.