I am trying to export the Coordinate and their color code of a list of points ( 2000-5000 ) to Rhino for Grasshopper analyzing. I have tried the beginRAW(), but it said "only supports lines and triangles". But I do not want them to have any kind of form when they are exported to Rhino. Any work around?
Hi. I have manage to send the sensor data "tune" to the processing, but when i am trying to send the data back to Arduino,(when "tune" is less than -100, LED on pin 13 lights up, later it will be implemented to a servo action) the reaction time is very slow, and it seems the things are out of sync. I have googled and people said is the buffer problem, but i cannot manage to find a way to sort it out.
Thank you for answering!
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
float value;
int val;
int state;
void setup()
println("COM Ports");
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[5], 9600);
Hi All. I want to create a project simular to this link:
I want to use the same detection method but instead, i will control the servo and also the graphics in processing. But i am struggling to find a way to convert the code to processing.
Or Do i need not change the code but rather ask the arduino to send a message to processing?
/* Theremin Test
* Therremin with TTL Oscillator 4MHz
* Timer1 for freauency measurement
* Timer2 for gate time
* connect Oscillator on digital pin 5
* connect Speaker with 1K Resistor in series on pin 8
I am an architecture student which I am developing a simulator where the program will put blocks together according to some parameters of the user input.
The image above is the logic diagram of what I am trying to do as the first step before introducing more complexity. I have been trying to find examples from the internet, but seems there isn't any simular project.
So I have a few questions for the processing communicate.
What is the best way to code this system? I will add more relationships between the the type of modules later
What external library should i use if i need any?
Any precedent?
Many thanks to the community! I have got a code as a starting point abou the creation of new modules below.
int moduleCount_=100;
ArrayList moduleCollection;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
moduleCollection = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i<moduleCount_; i++) {
if (i<1) {
Module myModule = new Module (width/2, height/2, 10, 10, 0);