I was going through the projects list for GSOC 2012 and Processing caught my eye.
I have some previous experience with Android (ported a part of my 2D c++ opengl wrappers, did a school project based on networking and file transfer, and played a bit with sensors), so I though I'd join in. Haven't really used Processing that much (just tested it a while back), but I like the idea behind it and would like to improve at least the Android part of it.
Here's, in short, what I was thinking:
-set up small tests for sensors (already added the orientation sensor by altering the accelerometer example) and figure out what additional features they could use (like the Shake event in the accelerometer). After that, expand on them.
-study the networking library in Processing to add one as similar as possible to Android. Already have the networking code I used for school, so I could adapt it.
-study the mapping part of android, since I haven't used it yet, and see how I could link it to processing (store maps in PImage objects and figure out how to get the location)
Also, I have a Nexus S running 4.0.4, so I can test everything directly on the device, since it has almost every sensor Android supports. Already ran a few of the samples on it and everything worked well.
In case I finish early, I'm thinking I could add some other features (suggestions?) or try to improve the ones that already exist.
What do you think? Any ideas/suggestions?
Edit: I was thinking I could add multitouch if I finish early