This workshopis an explorationon how to usecode to simulatephenomenafound innature.Introducingconceptsof physics and mathematicsina computer environment with Processing,we set upa simulationof particles withdifferent interactionsfrom scratch.Part of theexplorationis to seehow to integratethese tools inan aesthetic contextto givedynamic movement andemergent behaviourtovisual objects.
BenjaminL.Sanchez BA Mathematics andComputers andcurrentmaster's degree in Quantum Chemistry. Is dedicated to exploringtheapplication of mathematicsand computingin different contexts,such as3Dreconstructionfrom imagesplacentas, planningofdrinking water networks, synthetic biology, the search forchemical compoundsand thecomputational toolsmusic.
From 26 to29 April 26 and 27from 19:00 to 21:00 28 and 29from 12:00 to 14:0016:00 to 19:00 ADRESS Laboratorio Symbolon. C.Llatzeret13bx. Poblenou, Metro<L4> Barcelona, Spain REGISTRATION DEADLINEAPRIL 24 Registration Cost: 80€ Places are limited