I'm working on a project that involves generating (preselected) text to fit inside of (predesigned) word bubbles. So far, so good, and I already meet the homework's requirements.
However, to give it that last bit of comic "oomph", I want to be able to bold random words in the string. This is a bit of a problem since the text is centered to begin with, so I can't just swap out for a bolder font midway through the string. Like so:
The strings \n are currently formatted \n like this with newline \n escapes.
The strings
are currently formatted
like this with newline
Formatting is (Center, Center), which makes hard-coding a text location that can be bolded / unbolded at will a little difficult. I know that there's a function that can parse the string character by character, but aside from being able to parse out specific words based on whitespace, I'm not sure I can use this.