I'm trying to re create a simple version of brick breaker. I'm trying to use array list to create the bricks but i'm not very familiar with it. I'm giving all the code i have for the program but the main concern is the Main Code and the Bricks code.
here is my code so far:
Main code:
Ball bll;
Paddle Paddle;
ArrayList brickslist;
void setup(){
bll = new Ball (0,0,1,2,color(random(255),random(255),random(255)));//creates a ball that will bounce around the screen
Paddle = new Paddle (height,120,30);//creates the paddle that will hit the ball into the bricks
brickslist = new ArrayList();//create an empty array list
brickslist.add(new Bricks (0,0,90,30));
void draw(){
for (int i = brickslist.size()-1; i>=0; i--){
Bricks brickslist = (Bricks) brickslist.get(i);
if (brickslist.finished()){
bll.move();//lets the ball move
bll.bounce();//allows ball to bounce off the edges
bll.display();//displays the ball
Paddle.move();//paddle is allowed to move
Paddle.display();//displays the paddle
Ball Code (in new tab):
class Ball{
float xposition;
float yposition;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
color c;
//all the code for the class goes here
Ball(float xpos,float ypos, float xsp,float ysp, color c1){
xposition = xpos;
yposition = ypos;
xspeed = xsp;
yspeed = ysp;
c = c1;
ysp = 2;
xsp = 2;
void move() {
xposition = xposition + xspeed;// Change the x location by speed
yposition = yposition + yspeed;
//A function to void bounce the ball
void bounce() {
if ((xposition > width) || (xposition < 0)) {// If we've reached an edge, reverse speed
xspeed = xspeed * -1;
if ((yposition > height) || (yposition <0)) {
yspeed = yspeed * -1;
if ((yposition >680) && (xposition<mouseX+50)){
yspeed = yspeed * -1;
//A function to display the ball
void display() {
Paddle(also in new tab)
class Paddle{
float xpos;
float hgt;
float wdth;