I know that web applets have been discontinued, but I noticed that previously correctly working web applets (some I did myself, some other spread in the web) have stopped working.
I think is not processing related, but jogl related, as I see in the Java Console:
Here's my problem with a sketch I am doing. In this sketch I'm using controlP5, peasycam, a modification of mri3ds (discarded the draw part, I only use it to load 3ds models), and Java threads (although I don't think this is the problem, more on this later).
The problem is, the sketch leaks memory, yes, but VisualVM don't think so,here is a screenshot:
Memory goes up no matter what I do in the sketch. And if you think it may be a Thread problem... I tested a version of the sketch previous at the introduction of Threads, in fact the screenshot is from that version (task manager shows the process started at 230.000k of memory usage).
Any ideas how can I locate the source of the leakage? Any other program?
I'm developing an app with processing 2.05a, with peasycam, controlp5, opengl. Two days ago the applet version was working ok, but now, it isn't, and I didn't make any big change. Locally is working correctly as always, even the export application is working too. It seems that some libraries downloaded by the java applet loader have changed something... Even the Java Console closes it self when trying to load the applet...
I have a problem with sliders, in the full app, I have three sliders to select a date, hour, month and day, with a fourth slider, to move accross all the range. Here is the code that reproduces the problem:
println("Hour value set: "+controlP5.getController("slider_hours").value());
When I drag the hours slider, the changes reflect to the global slider with no problems. But when I drag the global slider it becomes some what out of sync... I included println for debug, to show that when updating the hours slider I pass the correct value, but for some reason it uses other value instead...