Cananyone tell me how"MouseWheelListener" is used inEclipseto me.I have written a(processing)Javaprogram that Iwantohoperatewith a mouse. IsufficedProcessing"import java.util*,."
Iam new to thisforum.I come fromthe Arduinocommunity.I want totransfer aProcessingsketchin Eclipse.There IuseControlP5elements.Inthe ProcessingIDEeverythingis OK.In theEclipseenvironment thatControlP5elements in theDraw methodwill beoversubscribed.
public void setup(){
size(mainWinWidth, mainWinHeight); background(190, 190, 190); frameRate(20); smooth(); noStroke(); winWidth = width; winHeight = height; cp5 = new ControlP5(this); // System.out.println(Serial.list()); // print all available serial ports mainWindow = new MainWindow(this, winWidth, winHeight);