Ive been banging my head for the past couple of days...
cant seem to get processing to connect to the inbuilt camera on my macbook pro (2011) running OSX lion, running processing 1.5.1
Ive just simply cut and paste the code provided on the processing website for "capture()" just to get the video from the camer to be displayed in a window..
code I used below : straight from the processing website as is...
import processing.video.*;
Capture myCapture;
void setup()
size(200, 200);
// The name of the capture device is dependent on
// the cameras that are currently attached to your
// computer. To get a list of the
// choices, uncomment the following line
// To select the camera, replace "Camera Name"
// in the next line with one from Capture.list()
// myCapture = new Capture(this, width, height, "Camera Name", 30);