Processing Forum
Kitty.19's Profile
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    Hi all!

    I need to create a sketch wherein the pixels of an image are scattered across the screen and I have to kinda wiggle them about as the pixels come to their respective positions in the image. I know you can use the pixels[] array to get the color of each pixel in the array. I'v tried copying the pixel array into another, for bringing them back, but I get errors like Null Pointer Exceptions when I do that. I'm sure I'm missing something, so if anyone could tell me how to go about this I'd be really grateful.

    Hi all,

    I'm having trouble exporting my sketch to an application. When I use the OPENGL mode it gives an error saying

    Could not copy source file: 
    Could not copy source file: 
    Could not copy source file: 
    Could not copy source file: 

    I tried restarting the sketch and exporting it without running it and I get the same issue. I also tried copying the data folder into the application folder as mentioned here:  https://forum.processing.org/topic/objimport-library-can-t-export-application but that's not working either. Thing is I really need the OPENGL mode because without it my sketch is super slow, though it exports fine without it.
    And all the required libraries including opengl and geomerative are present in the application's lib folder.

    Any ideas?
    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to develop an application to mimic a light mural. The mural has different colored lights falling on different sections and I'm stumped on how to make the different colored rectangles look more like light instead of well, colorful rectangles.

    If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to make colors sort of bleed onto each other I'd be grateful.

    When I tried using PShape to resize my images without a blur I got this error notification: "Filters are not supported." .
    Could someone please tell me what filters are missing/needs to be installed?