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    I destroy() and stop() my PApplet objects on java. but there is no decrease on memory,, even every I call my PApplet object memory continue to increase serious.. :S

    How can i do?


    My JApplet total runtime 3 second so Sometimes JApplet doesn't load on my Jpanel.For this reason How to understand to finish init() method? or is there other way to fix this problem? 

    I have a problem and I'm working for days.. I want to create pdf file with java.. But I could not do anything.. This is my sample processing code..
    1. import processing.pdf.*;

    2. void setup() {
    3.   size(400, 400, PDF, "filename.pdf");
    4. }

    5. void draw() {
    6.   // Draw something good here
    7.   line(0, 0, width/2, height);

    8.   // Exit the program 
    9.   println("Finished.");
    10.   exit();
    11. }

    1. 1- Exported my procesing file
    2. 2- I created java class(pdfTest.Class) on my project.
    3. 3- I called pdfTest.Class from main Jframe
    This is my Java code..
    1.    private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    2.         pdfTest pdfObj=new pdfTest();
    3.     }

    But it didn't work.. 

    I am waiting your solutions..
    İ want to save pdf file when I click button through Swing
    i have a class that name is "createHexMirrorPdf extends PApplet.. as follows..

    1. //......///
    2. public class createHexMirrorPdf extends PApplet{
    3. public createHexMirrorPdf(float discap,float kucukborucap,float ucgenkenar,float aynakalinlik,int mode,int miktar,String dosya){
    4.     pdiscap=discap;
    5.     pkucukborucap=kucukborucap;
    6.     pucgenkenar=ucgenkenar;
    7.     paynakalinlik=aynakalinlik;
    8.     pmode=mode;
    9.     this.miktar=miktar;
    10.     pDosya=dosya;
    11. }
    12. public void setup() {
    13.    draw(pdiscap,pkucukborucap,pucgenkenar,paynakalinlik,pmode,miktar,pDosya);
    14. }

    15. public void draw(float discap,float kucukborucap,float ucgenkenar,float aynakalinlik,int mode,int miktar,String fileName) {
    16.   size(1192, 842,PDF,fileName);
    17.   background(255);
    18. // Draw something good here 
    19. //..............// 
    20. println("Finished."); 
    21. }
    22. }
     so it works for create a pdf file through Processing Compiler but i call this class from other JFrame Class.
    1.  private void jLabel1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
    2. createHexMirrorPdf hexMirrorPdf=new createHexMirrorPdf(161, 18, 22, 3, 2, 2,fileExtension);
    3. hexMirrorPdf.init();
    4. }
    I click Jlabel1 but it did not work...How can i do it?
    i am waiting your solutions..