I'm a complete newbie at programming, and I'd appreciate any help anyone could give me.
I have a 700x700 window with a 600x600 ellipse centered in it. I'd like to create a timer that would generate ellipses with a fixed shape (x,y, scaled version of 20, scaled version of 15) and color but a random (but constrained to, say, between 10 and 90) size and at random times outside the 600x600 ellipse, then move them at a random speed (between 1 and 8, I think) and in a random direction.
I also have an ellipse controlled by the mouse. When it hits one of the random ellipses, I'd like either it or the random ellipse to disappear, depending on which one is larger (the largest remains and scales up by 5%). The random ellipses should ignore each other.
Is it possible to create a timer that can do this? I've had bad luck getting the random function to work the way I want, so I'm not sure how to tackle this. I also have no idea how to get the ellipses to interact the way they should. Please help!