I am trying to make a way to load .jpg's in real time into the "data" folder and have the sketch place them into an animation sequence. I am trying to have processing count the number of .jpgs (which will appear in the data folder as the sketch is running) and pass the return value of the amount as "number of frames" for the animation.
So far i am running into problems simply getting the number of .jpg's to load...
When I try to use the "Filenamefilter" technique, I get error message that there is no class or type named Filenamefilter...
do i have to define it before?
here is my code:
int numFrames = 4; // The number of frames in the animation
I got my hands and two no longer made KODAK digital frames, one of them is the Kodak Easy Share 85
and the other is the Kodak Pulse Digital Frame, which connects to wifi.
I am wondering if there is some way to open up a processing sketch on these devices through the USB connection to an Arduino.. To tell Arduino to open up the sketch onto the digital frame?
Any suggestions on code that might be able to do this???!?!?!?!
i am trying to track the user's CoM ("center of mass") via kinect and the SimpleOpenNI library
and then attaching the rotation of a 3D object to the PVector of the CoM of the user...
essentially I am trying to make it so that when i move around there is a 3D object following my movements by rotating back and forth...
this is the code i have so far but i am having trouble with it. ...
the object will appear in the far top right corner, which has to do with model orientation i am sure...
but i also tried model.rotation, and using rotation instead of model orientation.. i got glitchy results with the object scaling back and forth based on position of the CoM...
any suggestions, i know there must be a more simple way to do this...
import processing.opengl.*;
import saito.objloader.*;
import SimpleOpenNI.*;
SimpleOpenNI kinect;
//declare object called model
OBJModel model;
float rotX;
float rotY;
float rotZ;
int Scal = 40;
void setup()
size(600, 600, OPENGL);
// making an object called "model" that is a new instance of OBJModel
model = new OBJModel(this, "bone.obj", "relative", TRIANGLES);
// turning on the debug output (it's all the stuff that spews out in the black box down the bottom)
This seems really possible but at my level of experience with Processing it will take me months. So far I have been using OBJLoader to load 3D (.obj) files into Processing, and the video library to import videos. Is there some way I could tell processing to take a point/pixel from the video and map it or place it onto a point/pixel of the the 3D object and then tell processing to register that point in 3D, so that when the user rotates the 3D object the video also rotates accordingly?
Other options may include loading the video as a texture onto the .obj, as like void usetexture(movie.movie) or telling OBJLoader that the video is inside of the .mtl files it uses to map the texture, but i have a feeling this might be more tricky as it is more of a hack approach and involves kind of changing the file directories/filetypes might not be compatible enough.
If anyone has any advice, clues, hints, suggestions, codes, other programs to try out anything would be greatly appreciated!!!