The Pragmatic Programmers Bookshelf is preparing a new book on Processing for Android for publication late this fall. It's author is Daniel Sauter, co-developer of the Ketai library.
Unlike other Processing titles, this one aims to teach readers how to build applications using the capabilities of the amazing on-board sensors, cameras, radios and other hardware found on today's Android phones and tablets. In addition, readers will learn how easy it is to create stunning UI and graphics with the Processing language to bring those applications to life.
We are looking for readers to tech review and provide feedback on an early draft of the first half of the book. If you're interested in taking part, please contact me offline at and I'll be happy to send further details. In your email, tell me a bit about your background, your level of Processing experience (newbie, novice, journeyman or expert) and your availability. To participate, you must be willing to commit to returning your comments to me by July 9.
Thanks for your interest.
With best regards,
John Osborn
Developmental Editor
Pragmatic Programmers