hi there im trying to develop a videomixer working by the following:
its for an automatic poem generator (markov)
starts op - nothing playing but loaded same video into two movie objects
gets an message to queue an A->B period.
since nothing is playing it goes to A and plays until B where the message (A->B) is removed from the queue i guess.
while playing it gets a new message added to the queue and the mixer wants to fade from the current playing video to the next in queue when the first gets near its end (B)
so the functionality is like a first in first out however there is a transition between so i need two player objects overlapping in both start and end.
i also need the scenario where the queue is empty. no new objects (for a while at least)
my question is:
is there a general way to let a machine decide which player should play the next (song/video/etc) according to who is not busy?
is there anything general about my problem (can it be reearched and by what terms)
have anybody seen such a mixer? (basically an itunes autocrossfader for video hehe)
xan anybody help me out in which way to go?
ps. i have developed on this and come up ith 4 or 5 different drafts that not at all match my criteries so i think there is something central i dont get :-)
allways on the lookout for new toys to mod
syphon is a library for sharing opengl content between apps on mac.
i want to include syphon for java in my ruby-processing sketches.
however i have trouble to do so as its pretty beta right now to do anything in java with syphon.
syphon.jar and other files taken from the jsyphon library of the syphon-implementations google code site.
get the files from andres' link to a
zip file posted further up here earlier.
To get the jsyphon package recognized by processing, create the following folder structure inside your contributes libraries folder, which is located inside your sketchbook.
the bot is given the coordinates of an object and a target it will then go to the object and push it to its target.
when the bot pushes the object it cant push it into another object so some object avoidance is needed.
i need some help on how to make a steering mechanism for a pushing bot. and also some object avoidance.
help can be anything from snippets to links or pointers.
im an experienced processing programmer but i have never played with vectors before.
i have searched all processing forums and likewise and havent found any help i understood.
well the header is a little long so im hoping people anyway take their time to read and you did :-)
all bots and objects are circular
well im programming an interface where i have an rraylist of bugs and an arraylist of objects.
the objects are pushed (by the bots) to their "original" position
bots go to x=10,y=10 (their hiding position)
the objects are pushed to a a position decided by opening a random array of positions and looking for its id number and thereby its new position.
bots go to x=10,y=10 (their hiding position)
the objects are letters that read "hello world" and the array of new positions are posibble anagrams of "hello world"
the anagram creator is allready made in perl.
my problem is how to tell a bot to move to an object and push it towards the objects new position.
the subproblems are:
find the angle on the objects where if you push you will push it towards its decided new position.
the angle will decide a point i a cordinate system where the bot will go and orient itself in the decided angle towards the object
i really dont know how to do this and any code would be greatly appreciated .
i see a high demand for this kind of general knowledge on "sumobots" and will with the finnished project put it up on this forum for young robotists to see.
allways on the lookout for new toys to mod
i am lost after several days of trying to do the following so any help is greatly appreciated.
well im trying to make a program that does two things.
1-the analyse part:
take an image in prespecified dimensions and analyse its grayscales into 4 weights after four threshold intervals like 0-80, 80-130, 130-180 and 180-220.
it will then make a new image with the same dimensions where the pixels chosen from above are plotted in using 4 degrees of grey like 50,100,150 and 200.
this image will be saved in the data directory.
2-the drawing part:
the image made above is taken into a function.
this function chooses a random pixel in the image with the color 50.
it then chooses a random pixel nearby and draws a line to it if this pixel and its nearest neighboors arent the color 250.
the pixel where it draws a line to will gain 50 in its color which will also happen to its nearest neighboors.
this will create a dynamic where the newly created image will function as a guide to the drawn lines so light areas in the original image will gain less lines.
when all the pixels of interest are drawn white the image is finnished and the function will stop looping in void draw().
this should create a drawn interpretation of the original image.
which i will use as guidelines for two stepper motors to control a pen in an x y system. on paper.
i want to be able to detect if the pixels nearby a coordinate is darker than a threshold.
i want to use a for loop to loop through an expanding radius while analysing the radiant pixels. if i find a pixel that is darker than the threshold i want to go on. (need help on this)
if you have any ideas how to determine which of the found pixels in the radius to choose please say it out loud :-)
im trying to develop a drawing algorithm but its really dificult.
allways on the lookout for new toys to mod