Good afternoon, I am a beginner with processing and would like to enquire how difficult would it be for me to create a sketch that tracks live image updates from instagram (which will be saved into a folder on my desktop) and to upload these images in a 4 x 4 grid format in processing. Thanks! :)
I was messing around with some code just to obtain a better understanding of Processing. I am trying to reset the image drawn when I press '5'. Although clearing the background works for me, the subsequent lines that I draw appear skewed and weird, as such could someone please guide me as to how I can go about removing the entire line when I press '5' altogether and start drawing a new one? Thanks so much!
Hello, I am trying to create text that changes in size according to the frequency of the song being played. I have managed to get it to work, however one problem that I am facing is that the text does not scale in a center alignment (I want the size of the text to change but the position remain the same), but rather it scales outwards, is there any way I can work around this? Thank you so much for reading this and helping!
Here is my code:
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
FFT fft;
PFont Header;
int leftcol = 50;
int row1 = 35;
float[] Channel = new float[10];
void setup(){
Header = loadFont("font1.vlw");
minim = new Minim(this);
song = minim.loadFile("craveyou.mp3", 512);;
fft = new FFT(song.bufferSize(), song.sampleRate());
Hey guys, I have created a sketch that evolves over time and I want to allow the audience to save them as images when they press "s', I have managed to get the file to save, the problem I encounter however, is that subsequent pressing of "s" overrides the previous file saved. I would like to enable them to save multiple images throughout the entire sketch, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! This is my current code (which is wrong)! Thanks!
Hey guys, when i press the keys 'a' and 's', the animation loads fine the first time round, however upon pressing them again, nothing loads, would anyone have any idea on how to solve this? Thanks! Your help is much appreciated.
Hey guys, I was working on my code when I hit a stumbling block. I am creating a keyboard that creates ripples when a key is pressed, however the problem I am currently facing is that I am unable to make the wave change colour in response to the key being pressed. Please do advise! (ps: i am creating a ripple effect, therefore each time a key is pressed, a new wave is formed, and I want to change the colour of the new wave in accordance to the key that has been pressed.