When you build a P5 project into a binary executable, is it possible to have it target a JRE that you supply? For example, if the computer you want to have your program run on doesn't have a JRE, or if it has an out of date one, can you just include your own so your stuff works and it doesn't impact the client's machine?
So I've been working again on my P5-based game engine. I've recently added in a physics engine (Box2D) and support for Xbox 360 controllers (ProControll). The full description page is located
Some of the highlights include a scripting engine, a physics engine, easy billboard rendering, a particle system, and a level editor.
Here are some screenshots from the current game I'm working on (Zombie Mansion) and a previous tactical RPG (Cogs of Destiny).
I've posted a bit of an article on my blog for how to better manage your scenes in larger projects. I use this code in my Processing game engine. Here is a link to the blog article:
Scene Management
So there's been several comments (and a bug report) complaining about the export to application feature of 1.5.1 not working on Windows 7. The following bug report has this marked as "fixed" and the team member basically told people to not complain that it's still a problem:
Issue 638: Export to Application reports "Could not copy source file"
However, this is not a fix. The post just says to use version 2.0, but it's 8 months after this was posted and there still isn't a stable 2.0 build. Even so, version 2.0 will be breaking code from 1.5.1, so it's not like that's even a feasible solution for some users since they'd have to change their source in hopes that it'll even work in the IDE. Is it not possible to do a hotfix build? or at least post the fix for it and let someone else just build it from source?
So after using P5 for a long time now (and using it for my thesis work), I've been using it for game dev lately. The project I'm working on right now is a tactical-strategy game that uses 2D character sprites in a simple 3D environment, but I've been putting all of my generalized code in its own API. This means that when it's completed, it could be used for a huge variety of games of this style. To name a few; stylized RTS games, NES Legend of Zelda-style adventure games, Horror survival games (like Clock tower), etc. So I'm pretty excited about my project now. A few of the highlights of the engine features include: particle effect architecture, scene and camera managers, and billboard sprite code.
For those interested, I have a better list of the engine's features here:
And there's some early (and out of date) screenshots scattered on the general blog page here: http://jestermax.wordpress.com
So I have a game project I've been working on in Processing, and for some reason I started getting terrible framerates (around 20 fps). I had assumed that it was just some slopping ways I was doing draw calls, but it turns out it was the background(PImage) function. Is this an issue that other people have with this? or is it just me?
For those interested, it's MUCH better to just use a screen-aligned image draw call instead. To do this, reset your camera, and use: image(img, 0, 0, width, height); before you draw your scene.