Hi Forum,
Long time no see. Thought I'd share something I've been working on...
An open-source software/hardware version of 'that goal light project' by 'that beer company' (if you've seen the commercials, you'd understand, but I'm trying not to name names, to avoid potential legal ramifications).
Processing Vancouver is a part of the larger Processing Cities Project, and serves as an initiative to establish a regularly meeting in Vancity for everybody who is interested in creative coding, generative art and design, designing with code, new media art, or just programming in general. We are starting off with a monthly meeting and invite you to join us. Processing Vancouver is the right place if you want to share some of your latest projects and ideas, look out for collaborators, learn more, ask for help, or just want to talk with like-minded people and to get to know each other a bit better.
We will be meeting on the final Monday of every month, 7-9pm, at VIVO Media Arts Centre, 1965 Main St., Vancouver. We welcome you to join us, and to be in touch if you are interested in presenting your work developed in Processing, or any other creative code framework... the inaugural event is on April 30th.
Find us here:
In addition, I will be hosting an Intro to Processing Workshop at VIVO, starting on May 7th.
More information can be found at http://www.vivomediaarts.com/education/workshops/processing-p5
(note I'm also teaching an OpenFrameworks workshop in June, which can be seen on the same page...)
~ Jesse
The function contains(PVector) does not exist...
BUILD FAILED/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android8872081860388422559.pde/build.xml:16:
Error. You are using an obsolete build.xmlYou need to delete it and regenerate it usingandroid update project
Total time: 0 seconds
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
to show hidden files, navigated to the directory, and deleted the build.xml
Then, referencing the page on the SDK reference here: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/projects/projects-cmdline.html I cd'd to the tools directory in my SDK... eg.:
(note the backward slash in between 'Android' and 'SDK' to deal with a space)
then ran
(note the './' ... because OSX doesn't have a PATH editor (or, not an easily accessible one at least), you have to include these characters to get the command to run, or you'll get a "android: command not found" message... on Win or Linux, it should be enough to add the tools directory to your PATH, but it never hurts to use the full syntax!)
to get my available targets (API Revisions).
I chose 6, which for me was Android OS 2.1 / API Level 7, as I believe that is the default that Processing uses...
So, I ended up running
Updated and renamed default.properties to project.propertiesUpdated local.propertiesRenamed build.properties to ant.propertiesAdded file /private/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android5837840366967369146.pde/build.xmlAdded file /private/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android5837840366967369146.pde/proguard.cfg