Hi all,i'm a newer on processing,develop a project to show relations of datanodes,like this:
the whole cavas revolves itself,and the nodes will be added .i redraw all the items every frame and i hope the framespeed is 28-30 frames/second. My trouble is:when the number of nodes is 5 or 6,it runs well;when the number of nodes more than 6,it runs too slowly.Hope somebody help me to make it runs well ,thanks a lot. Here is my code:::::::::::::
import processing.opengl.*;
PImage maskImg;
boolean deleteLineFlag = false;
boolean deleteNodeFlag = false;
int BigR = 250;
int smallr = 150;
HashMap htNodes = new HashMap();
ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
ArrayList edges = new ArrayList();
int iLoop=0;
int iDrawNodes=0;
int iDrawLines=-50;
int iNodeNumGroup = 10;
int iNodeNum=0;
int iDelta = 0;
int iDeltaMod = 1;