This is an experiment. The ultimate goal is to evolve some prepared responses to help expedite answers to often repeated questions. The initial goal is to compose a list to often repeated questions.
I've been hanging around for a couple months and have decided to post this in the hopes that a couple wiki articles might come out of the discussion. I'd like to start a list, to be added to by responses, of same old,
same old questions that appear again and again. From this list maybe a few could be broken out into separate topics and a response could be crafted that could be posted in the wiki.
Granted some of the questions are not Processing specific but more beginner programming questions, but I think the community would be well served by have a few well crafted prepared responses to point the posters to.
Here is a start of a list in no particular order. Please add to or adjust
Null pointer exception help needed
Compiler error of various flavors reported in a tab I didn't edit
More efficient way to code, where the same footprint of a code snippet is repeated
How do it get my code to respond to
keyboard events
mouse click
mouse moves
Why when dragging something do more things get dragged
Please write my homework assignment to do the following...
I think the color selector falls a bit short and would like to enhance it to provide a cut & paste of the user selected color command, instead of just the hex code.
I looked at the tool's source and attempted to edit the file on my machine but I appear to be a bit clueless as the the required setup for editing the tools and testing it.
Any guidance on the steps to follow to edit, test, and submit for inclusion would be appreciated.
Below is a rough mock up of my proposed enhancement, showing the command dropdown. Also the supported color commands and their syntax. I'm not sure how to show the alpha effect and where the alpha choice would go, if at all. Fewer buttons would be needed without alpha.
Note: For the
color command the (color) button would not be selectable or not be presented.
One would cut & paste the composed command line at the bottom.
I couldn't find any example code that supports 8 point drag handles. So I wrote some. I'm not sure what the process is to get code into
Examples. I think this would be a good addition, though it is a bit more complicated than most.
The Example contains 2 classes:
1. DragHandles - which contain 8 Drag handles: 4 corner handles, and 4 edge handles.
2. DragHandle
This is rudementary. Fixed size handles, Fixed color handles. Support Edge drag restricted mobility, and dynamic repositioning of sibling handles during drag.
Code style issues:
I am not a seasoned Java programmer and thus my naming conventions I expect are a bit sloppy. I also prefer newline {'s so they align visually. Old habits die hard, a remant of the '70's C coding. I don't want to start a religious war over it.
Comments welcome. Please feel fee to point out opportunities for improvement.
The example draws an ellipse and square and permits resize via drag. I pasted all 3 modules in as a single file. (I tired the insert code mode and the line numbering was strange). Here is the code:
int frameWidth = 600; int frameHeight = 500;
int xs[]; int ys[]; int widths[]; int heights[]; boolean captured; DragHandles dragHandles[];
void setup() { int i; captured = false; size(frameWidth, frameHeight); background(210); widths = new int[4]; heights = new int[4]; xs = new int[4]; ys = new int[4]; dragHandles = new DragHandles[3]; i = 0; xs[i] = 200; ys[i] = 100; widths[i] = 200; heights[i] = 300; dragHandles[i] = new DragHandles(xs[i], ys[i],widths[i], heights[i]); dragHandles[i].setDraggable(true); i++; xs[i] = 50; ys[i] = 150; widths[i] = 80; heights[i] = 180; dragHandles[i] = new DragHandles(xs[i], ys[i],widths[i], heights[i]); dragHandles[i].setDraggable(true);
class DragHandles { // final String handleNames[] = {"NW","NE","SE","SW"," W"," N"," E"," S"}; final static int HANDLE_OFFSET = 8; final static float HANDLE_MULT = 1; final static int NORTHWEST_CORNER = 0; final static int NORTHEAST_CORNER = 1; final static int SOUTHEAST_CORNER = 2; final static int SOUTHWEST_CORNER = 3; final static int WEST_EDGE = 4; final static int NORTH_EDGE = 5; final static int EAST_EDGE = 6; final static int SOUTH_EDGE = 7; int x; int y; int width; int height; DragHandle handles[]; int adj;
DragHandles(int x, int y, int width,int height) { int i; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; handles = new DragHandle[8]; // // corners // i = NORTHWEST_CORNER; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.FULLY_MOBILE,x-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,HANDLE_OFFSET); i = NORTHEAST_CORNER; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.FULLY_MOBILE,x+width-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,HANDLE_OFFSET); i = SOUTHEAST_CORNER; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.FULLY_MOBILE,x+width-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y+height-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,HANDLE_OFFSET); i = SOUTHWEST_CORNER; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.FULLY_MOBILE,x-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y+height-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,HANDLE_OFFSET); // // edges // i = WEST_EDGE; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.VERTICAL_MOBILE,x-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y+height/2-(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)); i = EAST_EDGE; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.VERTICAL_MOBILE,x+width-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, y+height/2-(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)/2, HANDLE_OFFSET,(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)); i = NORTH_EDGE; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.HORIZONTAL_MOBILE,x+width/2-(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)/2, y-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, (int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET),HANDLE_OFFSET); i = SOUTH_EDGE; handles[i] = new DragHandle(i,DragHandle.HORIZONTAL_MOBILE,x+width/2-(int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET)/2, y+height-HANDLE_OFFSET/2, (int)(HANDLE_MULT*HANDLE_OFFSET),HANDLE_OFFSET); }
class DragHandle { final static int VERTICAL_MOBILE = 1; final static int HORIZONTAL_MOBILE = 2; final static int FULLY_MOBILE = 3; public int x; int y; int origx; int origy; int mobility; int height; int width; public int posXdiff; public int posYdiff; int xdragdelta; int ydragdelta; int Id; boolean draggable = false; boolean imCaptured = false; boolean over = false; boolean pressed = false; boolean locked; DragHandle(int Id,int mobility,int x,int y,int width,int height) {
this.x = x; this.y = y; origx = x; origy = y; this.mobility = mobility; this.height = height; this.width = width; this.Id = Id; posXdiff = 0; posYdiff = 0; } void display() { if (draggable) { handleDrag(); } fill(color(50,64,64,64)); rect(x,y,width,height); } void adjust(int xdelta, int ydelta) { x += xdelta; y += ydelta; origx = x; origy = y; } boolean over() { if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width && mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) { over = true; return true; } else { over = false; return false; } } void handleDrag() { if (over() && mousePressed && !imCaptured && !captured) { posXdiff = x - mouseX; posYdiff = y - mouseY; captured = true; imCaptured = true; origx = x; origy = y; } if((!mousePressed) && (imCaptured == true)) { captured = false; //uncapture if mouse released imCaptured = false; } if (imCaptured) { xdragdelta = x - (mouseX + posXdiff); ydragdelta = y - (mouseY + posYdiff); switch(mobility) { case VERTICAL_MOBILE: x = mouseX + posXdiff; //println(" Drag x =" + x); break; case HORIZONTAL_MOBILE: y = mouseY + posYdiff; break; case FULLY_MOBILE: x = mouseX + posXdiff; y = mouseY + posYdiff; break; } } } void setDraggable(boolean mode) { draggable = mode; } void setx(int newx) { x = newx; } void sety(int newy) { y = newy; } }