I just tried to download the java jBullet library (http://jbullet.advel.cz/). Unfortunately I don't get what to do with the files since they are not structured as the usual Processing libraries. Is there anyone who can tell me how and where to place the files correctly?
I am running a sketch in which a number of movie sequences is used to manipulate a 3D structure in OpenGL. After running for a while I get this error:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 1920000 bytes for jint in C:\BUILD_AREA\jdk6_24\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp. Out of swap space?
# Internal Error (allocation.inline.hpp:39), pid=5772, tid=4564
# Error: jint in C:\BUILD_AREA\jdk6_24\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp
# JRE version: 6.0_24-b07
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (19.1-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
I have tried to increase the maximum available memory, but it does not seem to help? Rather, when I increase it, it crashes earlier?
Any ideas?
I am trying to figure out how to calculate the corner points of the shared area between two four sided shapes. That is, I want to be able to draw the shape of the area they have in common and hide the originals.
For example the two shapes in the attached sketch...
Up until now I have only been able to come up with overly complicated ideas and I am sure that there must be a simple mathematical way of doing it.
I am trying to use the Traer physics library for simulating the behaviour of a bending stick. That is, a stick which is fixed in one end and has a direction (e.g. along the x-axis) that then starts to bend with gravity.
I had the idea that, additional to springs between neighbouring particles, I could achieve the bending effect by having a spring between every particle and the particle after the neighbour as well. Does not seem to work though?
I have attached the non-working code below.
I have been trying (as probably many others before me) to translate Jos Stam’s Navier-Stokes solver ( http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/stam/reality/Research/pdf/GDC03.pdf) into Processing. I have managed to produce something that almost looks right, but not quite. It seems that the force field dies out after a short time, and I do not really understand the theory well enough to counteract this. I have a feeling that it might have something to do with the parameters that I pass into the system?
I am posting the entire code below (it is a bit much I guess, but the problem could be in many places). It’s visualizing the forces and the “dye”, which is distributed with the mouse.