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    Hi all,

    Please bear with me as I am new to the Arduino world..

    Basically I am building an ITX PC into my old N64 console and I wanted to make a bluetooth N64 controller to both use as a remote and also to play emulated games.

    I have the N64 controller already interfacing with my PC via an Arduino nano and USB connection based on this well written tutorial/sketch - http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-an-Arduino-with-an-N64-controller/ (I'm waiting on some resistors before I can convert the serial connection over to bluetooth).

    Now, this works fine to an extent but the analogue stick is only registered by the processing framework as a keyboard key stroke, ie. up/down/left/right and the position of the stick (co-ordinate), although interpreted by the serial connection, is lost. This means the stick has no sensetivity and hence isn't much use in most N64 games where you may need to, for instance, carefully walk mario accross a narrow bridge.

    I've searched the processing libraries to try and find something that would 'mimick' a game controller axis but found no such thing.

    Does anyone know of a way that I can either use processing (or other language) to send windows a command that is recognised as a 'mappable' controller x/y axis or alternatively a method of programmig the arduino to register as a serial game controller ?

    Any help or commens are largely appreciated !
