First of all the PSURF libary is great for image matching. It goes deep enough into SURF to be very effective, yet provides a simple high level implementation for beginners like me to use.
Just two questions : I am getting a image-matching frame rate of about 0.5 fps. Is this normal? Should I be getting it faster since this is SpeededUpRobustFeatures (SURF)?
More importantly, does the code I have implemented shown below include the matching processes after transformation and scaling? I am definitely generating the "descriptors" but do they already compute these transformations/scaling or should I be handling it in the implementation itself?
Many Thanks! Here is my code, for all who are interested.
import surf.*;
Capture cam;
//ArrayList interest_points;
float threshold = 640;
float balanceValue = 0.9;
int octaves = 4;
int framenumber = 0;
ArrayList<Interest_Point> imageToSearchInto;
ArrayList<Interest_Point> matchingInterestPoints = new ArrayList<Interest_Point>();