Ok then, having some problems trying to get serial values from my Arduino to Processing, and then to write it out to a text file (and if this is sounding familiar, that's because it is; the issue that katherz and I are similar, but I have a different set of problems than she does).
//import serial library
import processing.serial.*;
//initialize PrintWriter object
PrintWriter OUTPUT;
//array object for processed sensor values
int sensorVal[];
//variable for raw sensor values
float rawSensorVal = 0.0;
//initialize serial port object
Serial port;
void setup(){
//list all serial values
//new serial object
port = new Serial (this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
//initialize text file to write to
OUTPUT = createWriter("environData.txt");
void draw(){
//write serial values to text file
void keyPressed(){
//press "e" key to finish and export text file
if(key == 'e'){
void serialEvent(Serial port) {
//println("Serial Event Begun");
//read serial buffer until you hit a new line character
String myString = port.readStringUntil('\n');
//println("String Declared and port read");
//check to make sure string is not = null
if (myString != null) {
//printing out the raw values incoming
//remove whitespace
myString = trim(myString);
/*sensorVal[] = int(split(myString, ',')); //split the string by commas and cast as ints into int array
for (int i = 0; i < sensorVal.length; i++) { //print out the values with their sensor names
print("SensorVal "+i+": "+sensorVal[i]+"\t");
//convert string to float value
rawSensorVal = float(myString);
//cast raw serial values into an array
void processRawSerial(){
sensorVal[] = float(split(rawSensorVal, ',')); //split the string by commas and cast as ints into int array
//write values to text file
void convert(){
//println("Starting write to text");
//finish writing to text file
void exportText(){
println("data exported");
As it sits, the error that I get on line 73 is "Syntax error on token "]", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token"
So is it just a syntax error, or did I forget to put something important?