I am trying to play a video with four channels of sound using GSVideo on my mac (10.6), and only get strange noises coming out of the speakers. If I use the default (pre 2.0) video library it works, as well as if I am playing it directly back from quicktime player.
I saw
this post where a user seem to have got it to work, but that´s the only reference to multichannel sound I have found.
I don´t seem to get any error messages, but I am guessing I am using an unsupported sound codec/format? Is there a list somewhere of the sound formats which are supposed to work?
I have tested using the standard loop example, for both libraries.
Hi, it seems GSVideo does not like really low-res movies, or possibly movies with strange formats.
I am using GSVideo in the ADAvision processing sketch
http://ladyada.net/make/adavision/software.html, which converts movies to LED information, so it would be nice to get the highest precision by having one pixel per LED.
I have tried my low res movies in the standard loop example that comes with GSVideo and have the same issues there, so I guess it is GSVideo related.
One example, I made a movie 150x10 pixels. This does not work. If I rescale this one to 50x30 pixels (same total amount of pixels) it works. Ideally I woul like to be able to work with movies with only 1 pixel height as well.
I also tried 8x8 and 64x1, neither worked.
All my tests work fine in quicktime player.
Any ideas on how I could get this to work?
Also, is there a minimum length for movies? I seem to have problem with really short clips (1-4 frames only).