I was trying to make some droplists and in my code they don't work as expected - when chose and click item drop list freezes it fires drop list event, but becomes frozen until I click on drop down button again. To my mind code doesn't differs from example code which works perfectly - so I'm confused. My system Win7 pro 64bit, Processing 2.0.1 32bit.
Any ideas what's wrong?
Best regards,
import g4p_controls.*;
String[] item;
GDropList dplMarketGroups;
void setup()
size(800, 600);
item = new String[] {"aaaa", "bbbb","ccccc","ddddd"};
dplMarketGroups = new GDropList(this, 10, 10, 50, 100, 4);
I was wondering if there's any way for GImageButton to change its state from code or change sequence of button images - or I want simply to create toggle switch.
Best rgerads,
ok found one solution: g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.dispose() and then create new GImageButton control with reversed image list ;) not too nice but it works.