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    I am having an infuriating problem with asset management in processing. I am whipping together a quick system prototype, but the images and fonts I have loaded into processing are inconsistantly failing to be loaded.

    I imported images and fonts using the menu options (Sketch -> Add file... and Tools -> Create font...).  The files have clearly been copied to my sketch's data folder.

    Every so often as I'm making changes in another class from my fonts and images, I get the fail loading errors:

    The file is "missing or inaccessible" for images and
    "Could not load the font" for fonts.

    The only way I can get these errors to go away is by pasting the full explicit address of the file.  That is...

    I replace this (which errors):
    PFont fontBig = loadFont("Gisha-Bold-16.vlw");

    with this:
    PFont fontBig = loadFont("C:/Users/April/Dropbox/MnA/Emotale/Prototype/Emotale/data/Gisha-Bold-16.vlw");

    Voila! No more errors.  The file is not moved or renamed, and I touch nothing in settings or anything.  In the process of recompiling or whatever Processing does, it forgets how to use its own data file and dies.  However, I want to keep all addresses relative in this project (as I should be able to given that all assets are in the data folder).

    To be clear, these errors do not happen immediately. For a while, there will be no errors. However, it will randomly fail to load 1 or more assets (where I copy-paste the address and move on until the next set complain some hour or two later).  I am on a Windows machine and have moderate programming experience.

    I have tried with no success:
    Reinstalling processing to different locations including my programs folder.
    Copy-pasting the inner Emotale folder (the sketch folder) into processing's sketch folder on my local machine instead of inside dropbox (and removing the absolute addresses).
    Removing and re-adding files.

    My googling for help so far has come up with A. wrong names/mistypes in code or B. assets not being in the data folder.  Neither of those are the case.  Can anyone help me to get my data folder working properly again?

    Thank you for your time and consideration!