How can i draw complex shapes, for example an airplane or a teapot etc etc? I tried searching through the references, and the best option i was able to find was using the beginshape and endshape and then specifying the coordinates of the vertices. Is it possible to draw the object like in autoCAD or solidworks, then transform them to the corresponding processing code? Geometrically visualising and finding out each and every vertices looks very confusing and hard.
I'm trying to parse my values which i get from my 6 DOF inertial measurement unit , from arduino to processing. So far, following results have been accomplished.
1. Sent the float values as string to processing. Converted them back to float in processing and displayed.
Problem : When i tilt my IMU, the values changes accordingly, but these changes are not affected in processing, but it is successfully affected in arduino serial monitor. There is only slight variation in processing, say from 5.8 to 6.2 when i do a 90 degree tilt, whereas the actual should have been like about 5.8 to 70.4 or something.
I'm trying to simulate or mimick the movements of my IMU, mpu-6050 to a cube in processing. I have used Jeff Rowberg's code to get the Euler angles from the digital motion processor of the IMU, and i was able to successfully send them to the processing IDE through my arduino duemilanove. But the cube violently jitters all over the screen, although i have not given any code for changing the coordinates. Any idea why? I want it to be stationary at a coordinate and roatate in the x,y,z directions depending upon the values from my IMU. I've basically used the rotateX,rotateY, rotateZ functions to rotate the cube. Here are my arduino and processing sketchs.
#include "Wire.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"
MPU6050 mpu;
bool dmpReady =false;
uint8_t mpuIntStatus; // holds actual interrupt status byte from MPU
uint8_t devStatus; // return status after each device operation (0 = success, !0 = error)
I have an arduino duemilanove. I'm trying to send an array of positive and negative floating point numbers, stored within the arduino, to processing. I was going one step at a time by sending a single byte by using the following code and it worked perfectly.
But, by using "byte" datatype i can send only values between 0-255. How can i modify the above programs so that i can send and receive negative and positive floating point numbers.