I'm teaching two classes live online in the next few weeks for O'Reilly Media via their partner CreativeLive. The first class focuses on video and goes through the process of working with video in Processing by showing how to build a video mixing app from scratch.
A demo of this video mixer application I wrote in Processing is here:
The app is also controlled with a projBox as an example of how to integrate custom hardware controls with such an application. The projBox is a generic project box for prototyping custom hardware controllers with an Arduino.
The class will be presented live, for free, on February 25th, 2011 at 10am PST, more here:
After the live session the class will be available from O'Reilly for purchase, bundled with slides, code and a tip sheet. Register for the free, live, class here:
There are two main sections of this. One is the hardware, which is really just a box designed to hold a protoboard and an Arduino, with holes in the lid to add common analog components like potentiometers, switches and LEDs. Ports on the side of the box also provide access to the USB and power jacks.
The other main section of all this is the software class called (capital "P") ProjBox. This uses the Arduino library for Processing (now included with the latest Processing IDE) and
Standard Firmata loaded onto the Arduino. The software class provides a straight forward abstraction of the hardware for accessing the various components on the projBox. An example sketch is also provided that provides graphical feedback of the various switch and knob states for testing:
The overall philosophy of creating the projBox is that not too many Arduino specific project boxes existed and to provide an example of a generic hardware/software interface for custom coding and electronics. You can either use it as is, or use it as a jumping off point for some other, totally different, configuration.
I'm teaching a free online course in Processing and Arduino through O'Reilly Media. The live course starts August 31st and runs every Tuesday at 3pm for 5 weeks. More info can be found here:
The class covers the basics of Processing and ramps up rather quickly, covering UI creation with controlP5, in the context of creating drawing and animation tools. The last half of the course focuses on integrating a custom hardware controller created with an Arduino to control the animation application created earlier in the course.
There will also be a paid download version with supplementary materials and book chapters with everything edited together nicely. We've also prepared a kit for the Arduino portion of the course that is available on the page linked to above. The kit has everything you need to follow along and is aimed at those new to electronics and requires no soldering.